Featured Video: From the Horse’s Perspective



A horse’s eyesight functions a bit differently from a human’s. Because their eyes are set on the sides of their head rather than at the front of their face the way a human’s are, they see a wider span than we do. While humans see everything through both eyes (binocular vision), horses have monocular vision on either side with a smaller span of binocular vision at the center. They have a bit of a blind spot right in front of their noses. The spectrum of colors that they see differs from what we see.

It’s hard to imagine what it’s like to perceive the world the way horses do, but today’s featured video about equine vision gives a pretty good approximation. The video was created as a joint effort between scientists and graphic designers and shared by Haras de la Cense, a French organization dedicated to studying equine nature and educating equestrians.

From the Horse's Perspective


Understanding equine vision is one way to better understand why horses behave the way they do. For example, the video shows that horses can see better in the dark than humans can, which means when it seems like your horse is shying at a shadow, he might actually be seeing something in the underbrush that you can’t.

For best effect, watch the video full screen on your computer.


  1. Unless there is a new study – im not sure that is 100% accurate …
    i was always taught that horses can see almost completely around their body except for directly next to their rear hooves to the other rear hoof …and a small area the size of the width of their nose in front
    if this is still true the image should be wider with a small blind spot in the center
    Once the horse enters the take off zone of a jump they are “blind” they can’t see the fence or the landing zone until they are at the peak of the jump – jumpers have to trust their riders to guide them

  2. I learned years ago that they didn’t see in colors the way we do. This one is seeing more in the shades of gray, but also that red brush is red. Still an interesting perspective from the horses view point!

  3. Yes, shades of gray, but some of the primary colors, like red and blue do seem to be in there. Very interesting for sure!

  4. Interesting, thought it would have shown him seeing more to the sides and almost around to his tail? Unless they can focus on the front when they want to, and then behind them when needed?


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