Featured Video: Highlights from Equitana


VideoOne of the hazards of working in equine media is that you can get a little jaded. Don’t get me wrong, I’ll never tire of horses, but once you’ve seen eventers compete at the four-stars, freestyle reiners spin and stop without the aid of a bridle, and Olympic riders competing at the grand prix level, you can start to feel like you’ve been to the top of the mountain. And that’s before you bring in the seemingly endless stream of impressive feats that are available in our pockets via the YouTube app at any time of day or night. We’ve all seen bareback, bridleless jumping, riders defying the laws of physics, and other amazing feats of horse training. What more is there?

So when someone sent a link to this highlights reel from Equitana, I prepared to see more of the same. And it starts off slow, but just wait. The level of spectacle gets more intense by the minute, up to and including donkeys at liberty, Hunger Games-style flaming carriages and yes, even dogs riding horses.



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