Featured Video: Horse and Owner Reunion

A horse is reunited with his human nearly 10 years after he was stolen from her. Watch the moment they see each other again.


In 2003, Michelle Pool lost her horse, Opie. More accurately, Opie was taken from her by anonymous thieves who cut the fence surrounding Opie’s pasture, loaded him up in their trailer, and drove away. Pool was devastated. She immediately reported the theft of her beloved pinto American Saddlebred to Stolen Horse International, also known as netposse.com. She filed a police report. She spoke with neighbors to find out if anyone had seen anything. She scoured online ads. She never gave up hope.

Fast forward nearly a decade, and thanks to a diligent would-be horse buyer and the commitment of netposse’s founder, Debi Metcalfe, Pool and Opie have been reunited. Fortunately, Opie spent his lost years under the care of a loving owner who was given the horse by her pastor, who had acquired him from another family.

When his owner for the past eight years, who was unaware that he had ever been stolen, decided to sell him, Deanna Bordelon entered the picture. Bordelon saw his sales listing and thought he would make a good partner for her 13-year-old daughter. She did her homework, though, and after digging around a bit, she found his netposse.com listing. That set off the chain of events that led to Opie and Pool’s reunion. The full story is featured on NBC’s TODAY website.

The journey to the unlikely reunion is documented in the video below. Keep the tissues handy.


  1. I love this story, it had great and happy ending, I’m so glad that Michelle got her beloved Opie back home with her. I understand how she felt. I have a 5 yr. gelding, a dun Qtr. Horse. I raised him from newborn to now. I would be devastated if that happened to us. I cried for Michelle and Opie. They lost alot of years together, but now they can make them up. Hey Michelle , Waja and me are so glad you both are together again. Many happy rides together.
    Janet and Waja(IM KEEN ON CASH)

  2. I wish everyone would take the time to go to the auctions and check out every horse there to be sure that it isn’t one that has been lost or stolen how devastating it would be to discover a loved one has been destroyed. She is so fortunate to have had someone check it out and make the recovery of her horse.

  3. Its good someone did their homework before they went on with it. i cant imagine waking up one day and finding my horse gone. it would break my heart

  4. I sure hope we have a happy ending like this. Easter 2012 my daughters Arabian gelding and my husbands paint made when our back fence was cut. We had both from babies and we all(especially my daughter who woke easter morning to find her baby missing) desperately missing our family members. We have a net posse add out. They were taken from Maricopa Az.

  5. i cried while watching this. i have nightmares of my horse being stolen and shipped to slaughter. its very real and scary. im so incredibly happy that these two were reunited even tho they lost so many years of each others lives. NEVER GIVE UP


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