Video of the Week: Horse’s Perspective


You’ve seen plenty of helmet cam videos by now, so you have an idea of what it looks like when you’re tackling the Rolex cross-country course, competing in speed events or working out with Zenyatta. But what does it look like when a horse is just being a horse?

Check out this halter cam video that shows an energetic horse being let out to pasture. She can’t seem to decide whether to spend her time galloping or consuming all the grass in sight as quickly as possible.


Want your funny or amazing horse video to be considered for HorseChannel’s Video of the Week? Upload your video here. Videos must show safe, responsible horsemanship practices, and animals must appear healthy, comfortable, and treated with respect.

See past Videos of the Week >>


  1. Oh My Gosh! I love that those horses actually exercise in the pasture! When I let Mine out he just walks 5 steps then starts eating. LOL.


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