Video of the Week: Scary Ozzie


Scary OzzyOzzie is an adorable Icelandic horse who enjoys taking nice, relaxing walks on the trails near his home in British Columbia, Canada. Well, at least those walks are relaxing for him. For reasons unknown, many of the horses who encounter Ozzie on the trail don’t think he’s adorable at all. They’re sure that fuzzy, spotted exterior is hiding something sinister. Watch as Ozzie terrorizes his fellow trail-goers in this week’s video.


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  1. funny little horse feel a bit sorry for his rider always having to stop nice of the bay horse to return to “save” his buddy and the last paint to casually take his time to try to introduce himself to ozzy

  2. I believe they can not see his eyes with his fluffy forlock, this would cause them to worry a lot. Horses like to make eye contact. Really cut Icy though.

  3. This totally happened to me, my horses and my best friend out on the trail! An Icelandic, solid black with hair like a 70’s ‘fro appeared from behind the palmetto scrub. We all lost our marbles! I felt awful that I said something like “oh my God it’s your HORSE!” But after this video I am certain the owner understood twhat I meant. They are a beautiful breed, nice to know about the common reaction.

  4. Poor on coming horses thought they were encountering Cousin It! Probably all the hair and long fluffy forelock that upset them!

  5. Don’t know who I feel more sorry for! The on coming horses and riders being scared, or the poor pony causing the confusion! I think it’s the fro-look that’s getting to them!

  6. I bet it is “something” that the on-coming horses could smell, say like a different fly spray or chemical “something”. Alright Ozzie tell us what new perfume are you trying out. 🙂

  7. It sure looks like they are all fearful of “poor Ozzie” Maybe the rider has something on the makes them afraid.


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