Horse IllustratedHorse Racing Weetabix AdBy Abigail Boatwright - September 1, 2010121298 Watch more horse videos >> Get Our Free Weekly Enewsletter About Horses
That was ssssoooo funny!! I don’t get how they counted him a winner of a horse race on foot.It’s a horse race,not a foot race….whatever:) Reply
Makes my day watching this. Very creative. Anyone know what all the tags on the guy’s binoculars are? Reply
I Love this! so awsome 😀
Hahahaha I love this video 🙂
I laughed till I cried! Well done, creative video!
Excellent! I was told this was very funny and it is!!!
That was ssssoooo funny!! I don’t get how they counted him a winner of a horse race on foot.It’s a horse race,not a foot race….whatever:)
I love watching this video!
Makes my day watching this. Very creative.
Anyone know what all the tags on the guy’s binoculars are?
Me again! Love this so much lol!
Haven’t watched this in awhile. Still ever so funny!!!!
FUNNY, but I sure don’t know what weetabix are 🙂
Okay so like Weetabix are like Wheaties here to us. LOL!