March 2019 SmartPak SmartTip of the Month: Proactive Fly Control

Start implementing your fly-control measures at the barn now for fewer pests when riding season rolls around.


Thumbs Up: Getting a Head Start in the Battle of the Bugs With Proactive Fly Control

It may seem early to be thinking about bug season, but a little planning can go a long way when it comes to battling the bugs. With the right preparation and proactive fly control, victory can be yours this fly season!

As you prepare, it’s important to remember that there’s more you can do than go through bottle after bottle of fly spray. When it comes to solving your bug problem, having a barn-wide system that has every area of your farm covered is key. Your system should include everything from environmental control to insect defense supplements to fly sheets, fly masks, and fly spray.

To learn more about how to choose the right fly control products for your horse and your farm, visit

Flies around a horse
Photo by Anna Galibert/Shutterstock

Thumbs Down: Waiting Until You See Bugs to Stock Up on Insect Control Products

If you wait until the flies arrive to get your insect control products, you’ll be playing catch-up all season long! If you’re planning to use an insect defense supplement, be sure to start your horse on it about four weeks before the start of fly season.

You’ll also want to check to make sure that your horse’s physical barrier of protection, such as his fly sheet, fly mask, and fly boots are in good shape and still fit him. When you start early, you’ll have plenty of time to get the right if your horse needs new gear.

Finally, instead of having to dig through your tack trunk for last year’s fly spray leftovers when you really need it, make sure you’ve got fresh fly spray on hand ahead of time. With proactive fly control ahead of time instead of waiting until you really need all of your insect control products to get them, you’ll be ready for fly-free rides from the start!


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