Thumbs Up: Evaluating Your Horse’s Supplement Program During Changing Seasons
The weather is cooling down, and the leaves are turning colors, which means there’s something else that may be changing: your horse’s needs. If your horse’s workload, diet or living environment is changing with the seasons, he may benefit from different areas of support than he does during the summer. This is the perfect time of year to evaluate your horse’s workload, diet and living environment for the upcoming seasons and determine whether he may need different support now than he did over the summer. To learn more about why your horse’s supplement program may need to change if you’re taking it easy this winter, working harder this winter, or maintaining your regular workload this winter, check out SmartPak’s blog, “The Seasons are Changing. Are Your Horse’s Needs?”
Thumbs Down: Stopping Supplements Just Because the Seasons Have Changed
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