Poll: Fall Prep for Horse Health

HorseIllustrated.com readers cast their vote in the weekly poll on “What do you do to prep for fall/winter for your horse?” to learn more about the fall prep for horse health done by our readers. Catch the poll results on this page, along with more resources on the topic of fall prep for horse health.

What do you do to prep for fall/winter for your horse? (Check all that apply.)
18 votes
Fall Forage - Fall Prep for Horse Health
Photo by James Kirkikis/Shutterstock

The days are most definitely getting shorter and the mornings are a bit cooler; your horse has probably already begun growing in a bit of his winter coat. The time to begin preparing for cold, wintery weather to come is now, while the weather is still bearable. Here is a horse owner fall and winter preparation checklist!

We know you’ve stockpiled your hay and keep at last two weeks of feed and bedding on hand, but here’s some additional options for horse owners to get prepared with a fall and winter preparation checklist for inclement weather.

Read more about fall prep for horse health in “A Horse Owner’s Fall and Winter Preparation Checklist” and stay tuned for next week’s poll on fall prep for a horse farm.

Further Reading on Fall Prep for Horse Health