Readers—Cast your vote in this week’s poll on “What type of adverse conditions will you go horseback riding in, with safety precautions, of course?” Catch the final poll results on this page, along with more resources on the topic of horseback riding on the trail and in adverse weather conditions.
The open trail. Horse, rider and not a fence in sight. Trail riding is a favorite pastime of both equestrians and their loyal mounts. Proper planning bolsters your chances for a successful excursion through nature, but how do you plan for less-than-ideal conditions? Three trail riders share several ways they prepare for trail riding in adverse weather conditions, including wet, hot or cold climates.
Wet Climates
Elise Lowry and her buckskin Quarter Horse mare, Sierras Flashy Showgirl (Sierra), call the fertile valleys and windblown beaches of Oregon home. The lush green landscapes are courtesy of frequent rains in the state. Lowry has lived in Oregon for 26 years and has been riding for 23. She and Sierra enjoy trail riding throughout the state in all kinds of adverse weather, including the rain.
Plan for Daylight—After working for several years as a Central Oregon trail guide, Lowry learned firsthand that daylight disappears fast in the forest. Rain further complicates things.
“I’ve been caught in several situations where you are in the forest and you lose light a lot faster than you think you’re going to,” Lowry says.
Read more from “Trail Riding in Adverse Weather Conditions”
Beyond the Poll, Check Out These Further Resources on Horseback Riding on the Trail and in Adverse Weather Conditions
◆ How Cold is Too Cold to Ride?
◆ Winter Barn Gear
◆ Trail Riding Tack and Gear: Trail Essentials
◆ Emergency Response: Dealing with Trail Riding Emergencies
◆ Camping with Your Horse
◆ Trail Riding Tips
◆ Trail Riding Safety for the No-Cell-Signal Zone
Also Check: Favorite Part of Winter Horseback Riding Poll