June SmartTip of the Month presented by SmartPak: Parasite Control


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Fecal Egg Count Tests

Fecal egg count tests are a critical component of a smarter deworming plan. Identifying your horse as a high, medium, or low shedder will help you and your veterinarian develop a deworming plan that’s right for your horse.

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Deworming Rotation Chart

Rotating three chemical classes of dewormers is no longer the best defense against parasites and may be doing more harm than good. Learn more at SmartPak.com/DewormSmarter

Related articles:

Deworming Myths Busted

We get a lot of questions about deworming, and often hear horse owners confused by myths and rumors. So we’re clearing the air and demystifying deworming!

D is for Deworming

Deworming may be something you’ve been doing the same way for as long as you can remember. However, as parasite resistance and the lack of new dewormers in the pipeline become increasing concerns, more and more horse owners, barn managers, and veterinarians are rethinking the way they deworm horses.

Deworming Q&A

Experts now agree that switching between classes of dewormers based on the calendar isn’t the best way to protect our horses from parasites or to prevent resistance from developing in the worms themselves. While rotating between the three chemical classes of dewormers made sense when it was introduced years ago, it’s no longer the best defense against parasites and, in fact, may be doing more harm than good.

Demystifying Feed-through Daily Dewormers

“Would it be overdosing my horses if I gave them a daily dose of dewormer “Strongid C” every morning with their feed, and still do a rotation de-worming paste every other month?”


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