This Week in Horses — January 16, 2015


Note: This is day 16 of my 30-day blogging challenge. What the heck is a 30-day blogging challenge? Read about it here.   

Happy Friday, everyone! Here’s what’s been happening in the horse world this week.

  • It’s almost time for the Super Bowl, and you know what that means. Clydesdales. And based on this teaser image released by Budweiser, it looks like their puppy friend is back, too.
    2015 Budweiser Clydesdale Ad

    “The second Budweiser ad, “Lost Dog,” will feature the world-famous Budweiser Clydesdales and their favorite companion. In the spot, the Budweiser Clydesdales will tell an emotional story and help a puppy who has lost his way learn the true meaning of friendship.”

    I’M CRYING ALREADY. (Go ahead and watch parts one and two of this trilogy. I’ll wait right here.)

  • A U.S. appeals court sided with the AQHA in the ongoing cloning legislation. The breed registry was sued by breeders who claim its ban on clones constitutes a monopoly.
  • It’s cold out. You need your heart warmed. Check out this story about a young girl whose life has been transformed through hippotherapy. (Sorry about the autoplay.)
  • This article has my favorite description of eventing ever:

    Riders competed in a sport called Eventing which has three stages ranging from horse behavior to ability to over come obstacles and show jumping.”

  • Are you a youth involved in 4-H or FFA? Do you live in South Dakota? Would you like to win a Quarter Horse yearling? Today’s your lucky day. (Yeah, a Quarter Horse, not a pony. Someone in the editing department at KOTA messed up.)
  • Pony Giveaway
  • Lots of crime in the news this week, unfortunately.
  • And finally, there’s an interesting look at the similarities and differences between greyhounds and racehorses—and cheetahs—over at our sister site,

That’s it for this week. Enjoy your weekend!

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Leslie Potter is Sr. Associate Web Editor of Follow her on Twitter: @LeslieInLex.




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