I started the year off right with a New Year’s Day ride. “Stop resolving to ride more,” says Snoopy.
Welcome to 2016, HorseChannel readers! I’m feeling good about this year and I hope you are, too.
Beyond horse news in real time, the content that you’ll see here on HorseChannel in 2016 is kind of up to you, the HorseChannel readers. Based on what’s been popular here on the past, that means we’ll continue to offer a combination of real, practical info you can put to use in your barn along with stories from your fellow riders and yes, cat videos. But if there’s something we do that you love (or hate) or something we don’t do that you wish we did, tell us about it! Feedback can only make us better.
By the way, if you are a writer or an aspiring writer, and you have a unique, non-fiction horse story to tell, consider sending us a pitch. Make sure you read our writers’ guidelines first, and it always helps if you can send us an example of your writing so we can get an idea of your voice.
As for me, when I’m not here attempting to make the horsey Internet a better place, I’ll be working on my other 2016 goals: Riding my old horse as much as possible (in the careful, responsible way senior horses should be exercised); returning to the show ring in some form or another; and finally learning to see a distance and get over my fear of jumping anything bigger than 2’. We’ll see about that last one.
Tell me what you’re up to in 2016 and what you want out of this here website, and together, we’ll make this the best year ever*
*That’s a tall order, but we’ll make it a good year. We can do that.
Back to The Near Side
Leslie Potter is Sr. Associate Web Editor of horseillustrated.com. Follow her on Twitter: @LeslieInLex.
I’d like to see a series for novice adult western riding. I’m a new, first time horse owner at age 57. (Safe to say a dream since childhood!!!) I’m also recently diagnosed with RA. Older people, like older horses, have special needs. I think this might be of interest to the older novice rider.