American Paint Horses: Yellow Mount


In honor of the American Paint Horse Association’s 50th anniversary in 2012, Horse Illustrated is featuring some famous horses from the breed’s history.

Yellow Mount

Yellow Mount

Image courtesy APHA
Bandit's Pinto
Bandit’s Pinto
Calamity Jane
Calamity Jane
Wahoo King
Wahoo King
Yellow Mount
Yellow Mount
Tuff Cat
Tuff Cat
Painted Joe
Painted Joe
RR Star
RR Star
Colonels Smokingun
Colonels Smokingun
Zippos Sensation
Zippos Sensation
Color Me Smart
Color Me Smart

Endowed with championship breeding, Yellow Mount’s (registration number 3,300) contribution to the breed is second to none. Owned by Stanley and Jodie Williamson of Iowa Park, Texas, the big red dun overo stallion has contributed a total of 102,963 descendants to APHA’s registry, accounting for 10.1% of the total. The image of his head has become the face of APHA and is used on all logos.

Learn more about American Paint Horses in Horse Illustrated’s breed profile


  1. About time “Yellow Mount” receives the notoriety deserved.
    I own a grandson of “Yellow Mount” on his maternal side and a grandson of the APHA Ch. “Bachelors Dancer” on the sires side

  2. I own a grandson of “Yellow Mount”, I have owned many stallions and “Watta Rocki Mount” is the best I think I have ever had the pleasure to breed/own.
    He throws exceptional foals with “Lots” of color, conformation and willingness to please!
    Great bloodline!


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