8 Reasons to Be a Pony Fan


When AIM was cool (which wasn’t all that long ago), my screen name was PonyFanatic … followed by some numbers because of course someone already had that screen name. Nothing has changed.
I am not a tall individual. I’m 5’2”, and my less-than-tall stature has allowed me to unintentionally turn into a life-long pony lover.

At age 18 I moved to Bloomington, Indiana for my freshman year at Indiana University. There I joined the equestrian team and began lessons with team trainer and 3-day-eventer Nadeem Noon, known to the team as Nad.

At my first lesson, Nad asked how long I had been riding, and I confidently said, “Ten years, but I don’t really jump higher than 3’.”

He put me on a beautiful and kind Trakehner/Quarter Horse cross. And at the first step in the sitting trot, I nearly bounced out of the saddle. Nad laughed as I slowed down and asked for some pointers while admitting I’d mostly ridden ponies until this point in my life. I had ridden some nice Quarter Horses who were at least 15 hands or so, but I’d never ridden a horse with such a lofty trot!

Up N Over

Since college I’ve had the opportunity to ride countless incredible horses. I think the biggest horse I have ridden was 17.2 hands, which really gave the entire barn a good giggle.


It was likely even more hilarious because I usually rode Stuart Little (an adorable quarter pony).

Stuart Little

However, I don’t think I’ll ever stop being a pony fanatic. You can claim to be anti-pony since they have large personalities that often include sneaky behaviors, but I challenge you to have an open mind. Ponies are really quite special:

  1. When little kids want to meet a pony, I can bring them to the barn knowing exactly which pony is the right pony for kids to meet. I am the barn’s pony guru. That one will bite. That one can’t tie. And that one loves hugs.
  2. My friends never wonder what to give me for my birthday. Ponies.
  3. Pony Cupcake
  4. Likewise, my coworkers never stress about what kind of birthday card to get for me. Ponies.
  5. Pony Card
  6. Ponies are adorable. And adorable animals make me smile. I know there are stories about being a “healthier you” by being around animals. Ponies make me a healthier me.
  7. Their accessories, like turnout sheets and blankets, are often cheaper than horse-size accessories. Bonus!
  8. They’re often less intimidating upon first glance.
  9. Ponies challenge me. They keep me on my toes. And when I win their respect, they’re my most trusted mount.
  10. Just look at that face! Case closed. Ponies are awesome.

Liked this article? Here are others you’ll enjoy:
10 Good Things about Being a Pony
5 Reasons to Love Chestnut Mares

Allison Griest is a freelance writer based in Texas. Follow her on Twitter: @allisongriest.



  1. Sorry, but I have to disagree. I can’t abide ponies. They are such stubborn little things. I’ve yet to have a positive experience with one.

  2. I love ponies. I think their just as good(or better) Then Horses. I guess it really depends on the breed. I guess another plus about ponies is that the ground isn’t as far away!

  3. I love ponies too! They have the attitude of 2 horses packed into their tiny bodies so it’s like you’re getting more horse time for each minute you spend with them. 🙂

  4. I have 3 in my care,well 2, one is a mini, but the other 2 are definitely Ponies- a Shetland and a Haffy.
    I love to see all 3 of them run when I open up there paddock gate and they go charging down to the back outdoor arena.I feel very comfortable with them. Since I cannot ride them I want to train them to drive a Meadowbrook or a smaller buggy. I used to drive a Meadowbrook with my big boy Haflinger ( he was 13 hands high) and we were beaten in a pleasure drive by this cute little pony and I couldn’t believe how fast that pony was going.


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