The Hectic Horse Show


    When I got to the horse show I figured it was going to be an interesting day. I had planned on entering _________ (number) classes, but I saw that there were at least ____________ (number) of horse trailers in the parking lot, so I knew that meant I’d be there  until __________ (day of the week).  So that I wouldn’t get my show clothes dirty, I pulled on my __________ (color) ____________ (item of clothing) and a pair of ___________ (adjective) ________________ (type of footwear) and trudged up to the horse show office. The horse show secretary wore a ______________ (facial expression) on her face and she was wearing a __________________ ‘s (occupation)__________________ outfit, which  seemed rather odd. Nonetheless, I used a _____________ (writing utensil) that looked like it had been chewed on by a ____________ (type of bird) to fill out the entry form and paid my __________ (number) dollars for the day. My exhibitor number was ____________ (number), which was scribbled in _________ (color) ink on the back of a _______________ (brand of cereal) box. Somehow I was able to stick that on my back as I got ready to show. My horse was pretty fresh in the warm-up ring. I can’t blame him, as the other horses were behaving like a herd of _____________ (zoo animals).   Then I went to study my jumping course. Much to my surprise, it looked like a road map of ______________ (large city). The jumps were created out of _____________s (piece of furniture) and parts of _______________s (noun). Instead of a water jump, my horse was supposed to leap over a pool of ________________ (beverage). Well, I had paid all that money, so when my number was called I started on course. Let’s just say my performance felt like a trip on  ________________ (amusement park ride). Believe it or not, I ended up winning first place! Along with a blue ribbon I won a ______________________ (noun) and a coupon worth ______________ (number) dollars to _____________ (name of a store). That prize made the day worth it!


    1. okay, i guess. got a little kid laughing at tv. sooooooooo annoying. couldn’t read much, too loud. Can’t get away from noise… AHHHHHHHHHHH! Having a melt down, going to die of noise! IT STOPPED!!!!! I will live!!!!!!

    2. When I got to the horse show I figured it would be and interesting day. I had planned to enter 847 classes but I saw there were at least 1,000,000000,0000 of horse trailers in the parking lot, so I knew I’d be there until friday. So I wouldn’t get my show clothes dirty, I pulled on my magenta leg warmers and a pair of orange high heels. and trudged to the horse show office. The horse show secretary wore a smirk on her face and was wearing a pilot’s outfit, which seemed rather odd. Nonetheless, I I used a dry erase marker that looked like it had been chewed by a ostrich. to fill out the entry form and paid my 500,000,000,000,000,000 dollars for the day. My exhbitor number was 048627 which was scribbled in pink ink on the back of a rice krispies box. Somehow I was able to stick that on my back as I got ready to show. My horse was pretty fresh in the warm-up ring. I cant blame him, as the other horses were behaves like a herd of seals. Then I went to study my jumping course. Much to my surprise, it looked like a road map of Miami. The jumps were created out of futons and parts of car fenders.Instead of a water jump, my horse was supposed to leap over a pool of orange cream
      soda. Well, I had paid all the money, so when my number was called I started the course. Let’s just say my performance felt like a trip to Six Flags. Belive it or not, I got first place! Along with the blue ribbon I got a chalkboard and a coupon worth 1 dollars to Office Depot. That prize made the day worth it!

    3. When I got to the horse show I figured it was going to be an interesting day. I had planned on entering 40 classes, but I saw that there were at least 60,000,000 horse trailers in the parking lot so I knew that meant I’d be there until Tuesday. So that I wouldn’t get my show clothes dirty, I pulled on my Teal mini skirt and a pair of tight boots and trudged up to the horse show office. The horse show secretary wore a smile on her face and she was wearing a zookeeper’s outfit, which seemed rather odd. Nonetheless, I used a pencil that looked like it had been chewed on by a vulture to fill out the entry form and paid my 1 dollar for the day. My exhibitor number was 12, which was scribbled in Pink on the back of a cereal box. Somehow, I was able to stick that on my back as I got ready to show. My horse was pretty fresh in the warm-up ring. I can’t blame him, as the other horses were behaving like a herd of gorillas. Then I went to study my jumping course. Much to my surprise, it looked like a road map of Dallas. The jumps were created out of couches and parts of cars. Instead of water jump my horse was supposed to leap over a pool of root beer. Well, I had paid all that money, so when my number was called, I started the course. Let’s just say my performance felt like a trip on Thunder Mountain. Believe it or not, I ended up winning first place! Along with a blue ribbon I won a silver studded saddle and a coupon worth $100,000,000 dollars to Rods western wear. That prize made the day worth it!


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