Buddy Sour


Q: I have two horses, and whenever I try to ride one, the other one goes crazy in his pen. He works himself into a sweat, and I’m afraid he’s going to hurt himself or get sick from it. What should I do?

A: In this video clip, John Lyons teaches you how to help your horses overcome separation anxiety.


John Lyons on handling equine seperation anxietyJohn Lyons’ extraordinary ability to inspire and teach people how to become partners with their horses has launched a global training career that has spanned more than 25 years. After a successful show career and gaining practical horse knowledge on his Colorado cattle ranch, Lyons began giving training clinics and symposiums in 1980. With a background in education, he recognized people were eager for help with their horses and developed an extremely successful, solid training program. Lyons is recognized as “America’s Most Trusted Horseman” and is a major clinician and keynote speaker at large horse events nationwide and abroad. He is committed to helping people through his books, DVDs and Perfect Horse magazine, and has also developed a certification program that has produced more than 200 professional “John & Josh Lyons Certified” trainers.  John Lyons and his wife, Jody, live in Parachute, Colo., on “Our Dream Ranch.”

Visit his website at www.johnlyons.com/.

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  1. Unfortunately, I was never able to view the video except for one image and the sound was terrible broken. I was trying to view this on a current version of Windows XP. I kept getting a message that read “poor reception”. Better luck next time, I guess.

  2. John gives such wonderful explanations to horse problems.I love the way he answers them.When he does it,it seems so easy,
    Horse Lover

  3. Great idea if you’ve got the kind of fencing shown in the video, but what if you don’t? What do you do if you only have a 1 acre pasture or small paddock surrounded with electric braid type fencing? Is it safe to do this?

  4. People also need to realize that barn and buddy sour issues are usually caused by humans. If we put our horses on the back burner, they will bond with eachother and forget about the one who left them behind. When looking to purchase/adopt a horse…don’t overlook the barnbuddy sour just because you think its a disease. ANY horse can be trained to overcome that fear.

  5. thank you for this video! It is simple to follow and to the point. I have this problem with my gelding. I realy like john lyons and am glad to see that you have some training videos from him!thanks again!

  6. thanks alot! my horse is terrible when he is seperated from my horse. I’ve tried many things but this one work for me. Thanks

  7. Will this work the same with a haltered horse as well? Have some herd bound yearlings trying to work and having problem with horse were trying to work with.

  8. Hi my name is Ashley i am 13 and when my aunt and i were trying to separate Jet & Kid, horses, and i led Kid behind the barn and Jet just went crazy if Jet had a enough space to run he could of went through the barn and he could of got hurt real bad and kid kicked me and when you separating them they go crazy what should i do John. Love, Ashley

  9. Thank you,Mr. Lyons for your info on ‘buddy sour’.
    Even tho there 5 other horses in the pasture,my horse’s bud goes nuts when we leave him behind,and it’s not pleasent for me,either!
    I sure will try your idea and see how it works on Tuffy and Murphy!

  10. horses are very nice and calm animals. Wen you are very nice to them. Horses have diforent parts of the body to just like people.I love horses do you love horses.Do you have horses if you do not you need one that is yy commend the end.

  11. i had 2 horses and their names were mia and questy . questy was a horse that you could not ride so we got rid of her so now i have mia

  12. The training session sounds great but what do you do when you have an older horse that does the running around? I have a 9 yr. old QH mare and a 6 yr. old green paint gelding. When we take the gelding away the mare is the one that goes nuts. If anyone can help let me know.

  13. I Love the way John Lyons does his training. When he explains things, people can understand what he is talking about. Not everybody knows what “getting behind the bit” or “seperating his hind end” means some of us are just everyday people who Love to ride and Love our horses and want to become more knowledgable. I have a buddy sour horse right now and I knew when I seen this article I could depend on Mr. Lyons to help us overcome this problem. I have several of Mr. Lyons books and written articles and he is the most kind hearted and knowledgable trainers I have ever read about. Thank you Sir; for you wisdom.
    Pamela Sommars

  14. I have not heard such great advice on this subject, even some trainers dont know how to handle it this way.
    Thank you, for saving lives from your method!
    Dorothy Stock Valley Center Ca.

  15. That was the best advice I’ve ever herd and hopefully it will help a lot with my own 2 horses who absolutly HATE being seperated.Thank you!

  16. i have tried this and it is going no where everytime my mare can not see the other horses she flips out. we have seperated her in another pasture and she can see them from the corner. that is where she stays all day. this have been on going for 3 weeks. found out after i bought this horse she was buddy sour

  17. My horse’s buddy freaks when i take my horse out and they can still see each other, mine is ok but keeps an eye on her buddy the whole time, they have even picked up the others ones bad habbits..

  18. Great idea, however the 300 to 400 times practice seems so extreme. I hope my horse figures it out asap. I really would like to go for a ride……but I also like the safety issues covered.

  19. Thank you so much I have a rescue horse to keep mine company and for 3 years I have had to find someone to ride her with me because she looks like she is going to have a stroke when I ride mine alone. My gelding, goes gets crazy if I take her out, even along the fence line. He tries to about climb the lean-to to get out with her. Im alone with these creatures and I have you to thank for addvice.

  20. I was just wondering, I am a 11 year old who is retraining a pony who has bucked, bolted, and bit, all when she was trying to get back to the other horses. She is usually fine, until the other horses get riled up, they neigh at her which makes her want to go back, How can I solve this? P.S. She likes to rebel, my dad yanked on her and as pay back she bucked me… Please email the answer to me at Jaxeyboo@gmail.com Thanks!

  21. Good advice, but I still think that they want to be with each other. I have one that does this at horse shows when I take her buddy away, but if she has another horse next to her in that barn and can see it, she’s fine. What then?

  22. My daughters gelding gets very upset at shows when I ride my mare away from him. They are best buddies at home. If we take him away, she is fine, but if she leaves without him he runs and gets himself worked up. Last week when I rode her away after a class and she would not let him go, he went up and almost over with her. Any suggestions?


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