Horse Illustrated’s 30 Best Horse Books, Songs and Movies


Horse Illustrated lists some of the best in horse entertainment, from

Horse Books

30 Best Horse Books
Ask a group of horse people from anywhere across the country to talk about their favorite horses and you may be surprised to hear the same names mentioned again and again. Why? Because memories of horses we’ve read about in books can be almost as powerful as the ones we’ve encountered in real life. Misty, Mokey, The Pie, Ready Penny… If you’re not feeling nostalgic yet, then you’d better get down to your local library and check out some of the books we’ve chosen as all-time horsey classics.

Horse Movies

30 Best Horse Movies
Since the days of the classic western movies, horses on the silver screen have inspired many a lifelong love affair with horses. Whether the equine actors have a starring role in the story or merely add to the appeal as supporting cast members, the horse movies on our list cover a wide range. Pass the popcorn, and enjoy!

Horse Songs

30 Best Horse Songs

And while for equestrians, it’s horses that soothe our savage souls, music about horses—or that we pretend is about horses—is a close second. From classics like The Old Gray Mare  to songs about wild horses by supergroups like the Rolling Stones and U2, we’ve compiled a  list of horse songs that’s sure  to get you humming.


  1. I’m happy you made a 30 best horse movie list. Now I can add movies that I did not know about to my collection. Thank you.

  2. I’m glad you wrote this article. I have read, heard, and seen several of the books, movies, and songs. I was wondering in your 30 Best Horse Songs why don’t you have “Happy Trais to You” by Roy Rogers and Dale Evans? I think that’s one of the best horse songs I’ve heard. Anyway great article! Thanks!

  3. I have to say the the book chooses are great,And the movies are to.I personaly perfer seabuiscuit,the movie.the record player I think is really cool!I mea it is not something that you woul see every day.

  4. I agree on most of the movies but some of the movies i have not seen. the books i have not read but when i get time i will. as the music goes i only leason to country.

  5. I think that horse Illustrated Is one of the best horse magazine ever .It has so many good facts in it that can save a horse live .It also has really tip about training Techniquess for horses.

  6. It’s really cool that you’ve added this page to the site. Now I can look for great horse books and movies when I run out!

  7. for the movies i think the original my freind flika & thunderhead son of flika should be on there
    and the books i dont read anything unless it is about horses and my FAVORITE book in the world is COLT by: Nancy Springer

  8. I get HI and its the best! I was getting young rider and Horses USA. But I don’t like them, I like HI a lot better, I learn more from you and I love it!

  9. I love Spirit! That is one of the greatest movies in all time. I hope you will watch it to when you get a chanch. You WILL enjoy it.

  10. I am so glad you had Summer Pony, Saddle Club series, National Velvet, My friend Flicka, and Misty of Chincoteague. Those are my favorite books!

  11. I just read the article of the 30 Best Horse Songs. There were some songs that I had never heard of and some of my favorite songs on there too! That was a very nice, little article. Any more songs and I wouldn’t have looked at them all, and any less, I wouldn’t have taken the time to look at them. Very nice!

  12. Hey, This is really cool! Cause i was looking for a new book to buy about horses and i looked on here and found tons!!! This is the coolest thing ever for horse crazy people like me!!!

  13. This has been really helpful because I am always in search of a good movie or book because I am a huge movie buff and reader. Especially when they are about horses. Thanks for printing this article it was really helpful.

  14. All the books songs and movies on your list are awesome. Only you forgot “The Thirty Best Thourghbreds of The Twenth(sp.) Century

  15. I love all of these movies and some of the books i haven’t read but my favorite horse tv show is the Saddle Club… its got some movies in the series

  16. the two best horse books in the world are war horse and the most beautiful horse in the world i reall y recamend u read these books i just finished them and they are so wounderful
    peace out

  17. those books sound really good, but has anyone ever reading this read The ChestnutHill book series? Or maybe even Heartland. I LOVE THESE BOOKS! Oh, and Wild Horse Island!

  18. You need to put in Templeton Thompsons song A horse That can Fly. about Barbarosa. You can check out her website for a list of songs about horses

  19. I can’t believe you guys forgot about Natasha Bedingfield’s song,”Wild Horses”. It’s the best one on my list.

  20. my favriote movie i flicka and dreamer that is a horse movie too i do like western movies some times
    im more in to dressage and show jumping but i love the horse movies! there cool

  21. I really like the “Keystone Stables” series, “Winnie the Horse Gentler” series, and “Horse Mad” series. I enjoy all horse movies/shows/videos, but even though this isn’t a movie, I like the episodes of “Heartland.” 🙂

  22. Here is a TRUE horse fact: Horses and ponies DO NOT need horse shoes. This is 100% TRUE!!! Think about it: in the wild, horses and ponies DON’T wear horse shoes; why should they now? Read “The Soul of a Horse” and it’ll explain more.


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