Horsemanship How-to: Soothe the Fly-Sensitive Horse


Fly protection for horsesFlies always provoke some kind of reaction around a horse, whether it’s a stomp of a hoof or a swish of a tail. But some unlucky horses have an even greater reaction, one that goes far beyond a mere annoyance. Intense itching provokes the horse to rub against fence posts and chew its skin. Loss of hair is evident, ranging from a buckshot, speckled appearance to palm-sized bald patches. Once the inflamed skin is broken or abraded, bacteria invade the wound, causing superficial skin infections.

Unfortunately, the usual anti-fly measures aren’t sufficient to soothe the fly-sensitive horse. If a horse in your life has what’s commonly called a fly allergy or sweet itch, here are six tips to help make the warm weather months more bearable.

  1. Though flies are prevalent in the daytime, gnats and midges are active at dusk and just after sunset. These are the most likely culprits for sweet itch, particularly the species culicoides. If possible, stable the affected horse inside at night. This will reduce his exposure to the pesky critters.
  2. Closely inspect your horse’s skin for any open sores or ulcerated lesions, especially on his lower legs, chest and belly. After washing these areas clean with a shampoo formulated for irritated skin, and rinsing thoroughly, dab a small amount of topical ointment on each blemish. This will act as a barrier against dirt and germs and also help soothe the skin. Prolonged infections may require a course of oral antibiotics prescribed by your vet.
  3. Use vigilance when selecting fly sprays. While you want to use one that’s effective, a horse with inflamed, irritated skin may be extra sensitive to some ingredients. Watch for signs like skin scalding or flaking, which could mean that your horse needs a change of sprays.
  4. Make use of various fly barrier garments, from fly masks to mesh leg wraps and body-cloaking fly sheets. Not only will these help deter biting insects, they also keep your horse from chewing on his skin as he attacks an itch. Aggressive scratching can set the stage for skin infections.
  5. Dirty horses, especially those who roll in mucky areas, attract flies. Sometimes simple grooming isn’t enough. Use the hose or a bucket of water and a sponge to wash away urine and manure stains.
  6. If your horse continues to be tortured by a sensitivity to certain flies or biting insects, then consult with your vet. Daily doses of antihistamines may be prescribed. As a last resort, an injection of a long-acting steroid can help turn-off the allergic response and make your horse less miserable.

Finally, keep in mind that horses can develop allergies dependent on a very specific geological location. Though it may not always be practical, moving the horse to a new home may vastly improve his problem.

Further Reading
Flies and Pests

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  1. I’ve been trying to find out about the shots! Thanks, also, last year someone reccommended using 1/2 cup of apple cider vinegar in the feed. This did seem to help alot also.


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