Horses in Need Highlighted in EPNet Photo Project


Rescue HorseMembers of the Equine Photographers Network (EPNet), a group of over 500 photographers from around the world who specialize in the photography of horses, will focus their lenses on story projects that highlight the plight of many unfortunate horses.  Equine Photographers are able to capture many lovely moments with cherished and well-maintained horses, but there are many equines that are not so lucky.

EPNet Members are being asked to create an awareness campaign by using their photojournalism skills to highlight adverse issues or situations regarding horse welfare and to help promote equine protection.

The EPNet has put out a call to rescue groups and rescue workers who feel their projects should be documented and brought to the attention of the world.   Possible story ideas might include recycled racehorses, sanctuaries, BLM holding pens, auction houses, retirement facilities, rescue foster homes, and rescue workers.  Each story idea should include no more than eight photos accompanied by editorial text.

“The mission of this project is to shine a light on the condition of horses in need in the world, and the work that individuals, rescues and other organizations are doing to save them from uncertain futures,” said Schippers, developer of the project. “In addition to this project we will develop and maintain a list of EPNet member photographers willing to donate their services to rescue workers and organizations.”

Photos from this project will be featured in an upcoming special rescue edition of the online EPNet newsletter and will be available to American Horse Publication (AHP) members for possible publication.  The deadline for submitted material is August 1, 2009.

Additional information on participating in this project can be found here.

Information on membership in EPNet is available on the official web site. Membership is available to any individual both pro and amateur interested in equine photography.

Get photography tips from equine photographers Bob Langrish.
Read about the EPNet’s Equine Ideal Photo Contest.


  1. Sadly, I keep my horse at a place that would be perfect for equine welfare issues. 2 foals died from neglect (they did a self-diagnosis, didn’t take them to the vet or have the vet come out, they don’t clean stalls & when they do, the stalls still look horrible, & they don’t scrub & disinfect feed & water buckets, especially when there are bird droppings), the pasture & stall conditions are terrible, a total of 5 horses passed away (all 5 could’ve been prevented), more than 2 or 3 horses had to get vet attention on injuries, a lot of the mares are skinny (no matter how “hard” they try to “fatten” them up), they keep breeding (9 foals last year & 2 this year), & they have more than 35 horses on less than 12 acres with no grass, & sometimes they don’t feel like putting hay in the pastures for the horses & ponies.

  2. To Lauren:
    I’m sorry to hear about the neglect ahppening at your barn, but i am puzzled as well.
    If it is that bad, then why haven’t you moved barnsand/or called the Animal Control on them?
    I’m not trying to be mean, just wondering.

  3. To the boarder who has the bad living conditions: If the management doesn’t clean up, your arms broken? If you see something that “is not right” have you reported it? I sure hope you take better care of your horse and it’s surroundings. There’s nothing wrong with righting a wrong, just do it diplomatically. You never know, it might be appreciated!


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