Flooding in Australia Takes a Toll on Equine Population


Horses in the Queensland, Australia floodSevere flooding in the Australian city of Brisbane has left mass devastation in its wake. Hundreds of houses have been irreparably damaged, fields of crops and businesses establishments have been destroyed and the death toll has risen to 20 people as of Monday, January 17.

As often is the case with natural disasters, horses and other animals have suffered. Dozens of horses are already known to have been lost to the floods while countless others were separated from their owners. A forced evacuation of Brisbane meant that residents had to leave quickly and may not have had time to arrange transportation for their animals. Horses and livestock are especially vulnerable in these types of situations because they can’t be transported in regular vehicles like dogs and cats can.

A herd of stranded horses struggles to the safety of dry land.

Surviving horses and cattle are scattered around the region, many of them stranded by the flooding. Concerned residents across Australia have donated hay to help rescued and stranded horses. The Queensland RSPCA and other volunteers will be distributing hay to these animals along with pet food for rescued dogs and cats.

The Queensland Horse Council has set up a database for lost and found horses. The database will also include dogs, cats and other animals. Owners can post a listing for their missing animals and rescuers who find animals in the aftermath of the flooding can post listings seeking the owners. Even if animals are found deceased, the Horse Council is encouraging people to post listings so that the owners can have some closure.

View the database of lost and found animals at qldfloodanimals.weebly.com

Horse owners everywhere are encouraged to plan ahead for natural disasters and other emergencies that may force an evacuation. Click here for information on preparing your horses and farm for emergencies.

To donate to the relief effort for animals affected by the floods, visit the Queensland RSPCA website.


  1. haaaa!!! thats terible but those horses seemed to enjoy the water i was so happy when they got on land but there race horses so they could easly get injured!!!


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