Riders Pose Naked with Their Horses to Get Drivers to Slow Down


Horse Campaign
Would you snap a photo of yourself naked or nearly naked with your horse to get motorists to slow down?Photo via Slow Down For My Horse Campaign/Facebook  

Have you ever been out riding near the road and a motorist sped past you? Chances are it was a little nerve-racking, to both you and your horse. Unfortunately, it is an issue riders see often. But how can we get drivers to slow down for horses? An awareness campaign for that very issue, called
Slow Down For My Horse, has a solution: ride naked.

While the proposal certainly gives new meaning to riding bareback, it also draws attention from drivers. Who wouldn’t slow down if they saw a nude rider on the back of a horse?

The campaign was started by 19-year-old Lauren de Gruchy after her horse, Starlight, continued to be startled by cars whizzing past,
Daily Mail reports. She, along with others in support of the campaign, have shared photos of themselves in various stages of undress on the campaign’s Facebook page. Inspired by a photograph she’d seen of a woman walking naked with her horse, de Gruchy decided to start the campaign.

“I thought, ‘If drivers saw that, they’d sure slow down!’ So I got a photograph taken of myself and my horse and started the Facebook page,” she told Daily Mail.

So far the response has been very supportive, with the Facebook page having over 22,000 likes so far and several photographs of partially and fully naked riders and their horses.

To support or participate in the Slow Down For My Horse campaign, visit the Facebook page or upload a photo to Twitter or Instagram using the hashtag #WillYouSlowDownForMeNow.


  1. this is stupid- if people are speeding down roads with ” horse Xing” sign’s then the police need to be called. otherwise , put more and more signs up- this ” naked with horses” is going to give US A BAD name. next thing you know when we say ” i trail ride , i have horses” this is what they will think of ! HECK TO THE NO! i will not stand for this. if we as horsewomen are veiwd as being able to lift hay bales, work with the men, get dirty and not care, and manages a barn – then we’ve made our point to the world that we have decency. unless your from a clothing magazine. how different is being in a clothing magazine with a ” cow boy” outfit and a horse behind you, than a naked photo of you on your horse – country porno. hello new category for horsewomen. thumbs down 6 feet in the ground

  2. Here in the UK police would laugh at you if you called them complaining that someone sped past your horse. I’m not sure if this type of campaign is the best way to do it but the dangers of speeding past horses needs to be brought to light. Its not just women who are doing this campaign either, its men too so this is not a sexist setup.

  3. HC… HOW DARE YOU POST THIS WITH ‘To support or participate in the Slow Down For My Horse campaign, visit the Facebook page or upload a photo to Twitter or Instagram using the hashtag #WillYouSlowDownForMeNow.’! this is absolutely ridiculous! I agree 100% with midori ‘this is stupid- if people are speeding down roads with ” horse Xing” sign’s then the police need to be called. otherwise , put more and more signs up- this ” naked with horses” is going to give US A BAD name. next thing you know when we say ” i trail ride , i have horses” this is what they will think of ! HECK TO THE NO! i will not stand for this. if we as horsewomen are veiwd as being able to lift hay bales, work with the men, get dirty and not care, and manages a barn – then we’ve made our point to the world that we have decency. unless your from a clothing magazine. how different is being in a clothing magazine with a ” cow boy” outfit and a horse behind you, than a naked photo of you on your horse – country porno. hello new category for horsewomen. thumbs down 6 feet in the ground’

  4. They expect ppl to slow down for them it’s only right they slow down for a defenseless animal a bike can be replaced your friend cannot

  5. Well, it should work but I’m not about to do it!
    Most drivers are considerate but there are some who try to scare my horses on purpose. It’s just stupid and could be fatal for all parties involved.

  6. Wow. I love it! I am quite surprised at the some of the angry comments. Just goes to show the attention it gets, be negative or positive! I think the campaign is very clever! Ride On!!!

  7. What good is it for people to slow down if they run over you in the process because they ARE looking at you?? (Whether because you are a 10 or a 0) Ride naked?? No way, horse hair getting into places it has NO place being. LOL Seems like we can come up with something better than that. Just my take on things.

  8. I’m glad for safety sake she is still wearing her protective boots, a helmet would be a good idea as she might get some loud horn honking! I’m 73 so probably won’t be tempted… lol !! Up until I was about 9 or so I rode in just underwear… but we were way out on the farm!

  9. Many states slowing down when a horse/rider is on the road, and even stopping when the rider, ask them to, by using a hand to show the stop sign.

  10. why don’t you try something more MODEST!I mean come on! there are little kids in cars! try something like riding like a princess or in a costume or for heaven’s sake at least a swimsuit! Please use a little common sense people! This is ridiculous not to mention ILLEGAL in many places! Also harmful for your reputation, your soul, your social status and more! If I was hiring for a business and someone like this person came to me and I saw this?! That person gives a bad name to me and my company, do you really want all this on you just because you couldn’t think of a better way for drivers to slow down for your horse? People, PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE THINK!!!!


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