Therapy Horse Helps Little Boy Blossom



Therapy Horse
Gavin has made great improvements since becoming part of a therapeutic horse program. Screenshot via Fox 8

I spent a lot of my childhood around my aunt’s horses. I was also a ballet dancer. After sustaining some pretty serious injuries in part from ballet but mostly from a car accident, I had to give up both. Following physical therapy and getting back to normal, I drove to my aunt’s house. We stood outside watching the horses for awhile before she asked me if I wanted to ride again. She started saddling up her gentlest horse, Chief, before I could even answer. I was a little stiff and a lot nervous and only rode him for 10 minutes or so, but even in that short time I couldn’t help forgetting about past injuries. The short ride was therapeutic; it gave me confidence that I could do things I used to do – horses have a certain way about them that really can’t be explained with words. I’m sure you know what I’m talking about.

The staff at the Camp Cheerful Therapeutic Horsemanship Program in Ohio – along with the little boy who was helped by horses – knows the healing power of horses well.

Nine-year-old Gavin has had difficulties communicating. However, through the Therapeutic Horsemanship Program, his communication skills have improved – something his mother attributes to his interaction with the horses. “The way that he connects with the horse has really brought him from his own world more into our world,” she told Fox 8. “Since he started riding the horse, I just feel like his language skills have blossomed.”

Gavin’s mother added that the experience has been heartwarming for her. For us as well.

Have you ever experienced the therapeutic power of a horse? Share your story in the comments.


  1. my son does Equine Therapy, Casey’s healing Hooves, and I love seeing the kids come out of their shell and smiling. Also does Veterans from all the wars dealing with issues. I am amazed at how much the horses help them too.

  2. I run a equine assisted services organization (barn) in chesterfield, VA, Journey of hope 4 autism and I encourage children to interact with the gift of horses everyday. we use it a lot for OT therapy and love see the children grow in front our your eyes.


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