Day Dream Arabians Farm Profile


The Day Dream Arabians farm is known for their Arabian Sport horsesThe world of Day Dream Arabians reaches far beyond the blue fencing of its bustling Santa Ynez Valley location because it remains a steady leader in both breeding and showing world-class Arabian horses.

Thirty or more horses reside at Day Dream. Most are part of the farm’s carefully planned breeding program. Foundation mares are typically bred to the farm’s five stallions standing at stud. During breeding season, much activity centers around the farm’s mature stallions Its SshowTime and ShowGun; young guns Signifikaynce and HI Hello Boy, and the farm’s heralded foundation sire Showkayce.

Day Dream’s breeding strategy is centered on a philosophy of creating classically beautiful, engagingly intelligent and supremely athletic Arabian horses. Most foals graduate from their mothers’ sides to enter a widely competitive show ring, either in halter or under saddle in several divisions. Day Dream horses (namely the get and grand-get of its foundation sire Showkayce) consistently enter the Arabian breed’s national and world winners circle in halter, country English pleasure, hunter pleasure, western pleasure, halter futurities and the yearling sweepstakes championships.

Additionally, Day Dream is considered a pioneer of the Arabian Sport Horse, with notable riders such as Kristin Hardin and John French astride Day Dream’s Arabian horses in the open sport horse circuit including competitions such as Indio, Scottsdale, Pebble Beach and Santa Barbara shows throughout the summer. Come September, the Arabian Sport Horse Nationals takes center-stage, where Day Dream leads the way as the nation’s leading breeder and exhibitor of Arabian Sport Horses.

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Between the events of a typical year, the farm entertains hundreds of visitors from around the world, including Destination Equus tour guests. Day Dream Arabians is the final stop on the Destination Equus California Farm & Winery Tour. For a chance to win free tickets, where you’ll be served “Breakfast on the Lawn” and see an Arabian horse presentation, visit

*The Destination Equus Contest is expired*



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