Volunteers Needed for the 2010 World Equestrian Games


Volunteers are wanted for the 2010 World Equestrian Games
Isabell Werth & Satchmo winners of the individual Gold Medal during the World Equestrian Games Aachen 2006.

A website dedicated to recruiting volunteers for the upcoming 2010 Alltech FEI World Equestrian Games is up and running. The World Games 2010 Foundation launched the site to recruit and manage the thousands of volunteers needed for the 2010 Games to take place at the Kentucky Horse Park, Sept. 25 through Oct. 10, 2010.

Anyone interested in becoming a volunteer for the Games can log on to www.feigames2010.org and click on “Volunteer Information” in the “Quick Links” box to register and receive more information about volunteer opportunities and benefits. Volunteers are needed before, during and immediately after the Games.  Interested volunteers must also fill out a profile detailing when and how they could serve.

The World Games are the world championships of the eight equestrian disciplines recognized by the Fédération Equestre Internationale (FEI) and take place every four years. In the past, the Games have never been conducted outside of Europe; nor have all eight disciplines ever been held together at a single site.

“With more than two years until the 2010 Games, we have already had countless requests for volunteer information,” says Cathy Rutter, director of community and volunteer relations. “The recruitment site is going to allow the Foundation to both communicate with our volunteers and give us access to volunteers we need right now — not just for the 16 days of competition in 2010.”

All volunteers will be required to go through an orientation and training program before they can begin to serve with the Foundation. Volunteers will receive a variety of benefits for their efforts, including official 2010 Games apparel, volunteer credentials, and general admissions tickets.

“We plan to give our volunteers special recognition during the Games for their efforts,” Rutter says. “We are depending on our volunteers to help make the Games a success — it’s going to be both hard work and an incredible experience. At the end of the Games, we hope our volunteers walk away with the feeling that they had an impact on the Games’ success.”


  1. I wish there was opportunity for volunteers who can only make it there over weekends… What are those of us with full-time jobs supposed to do?


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