September 8 Marks First World Rabies Day


The first World Rabies Day, initiated by the Alliance for Rabies Control and the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, is tomorrow. This first of what is planned to be an annual observance is designed to raise global awareness of rabies and prevention measures. The event will promote rabies and animal bite prevention through community engagement by individuals and organizations all over the world.

Tomorrow will see awareness campaigns targeting veterinarians, pet owners, clinicians, school children and others in the United States and numerous other countries. These include fundraising walks/runs, concerts and educational symposiums.
Horses are susceptible to rabies, and in some areas of the country rabies is a common deadly threat. Rabies is spread via a bite from an infected animal. Humans can contract rabies from a bite from any infected animal, including a horse. With rare exceptions, equine rabies cases are fatal.

Rabies in horses is highly preventable through vaccination. According to the American Association of Equine Practitioners, equine rabies vaccination is recommended annually in endemic areas.



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