When Riding Zebras was a Thing

Zebras pulling a carriage
Years ago, it was thought domesticating zebras was a better alternative to importing horses from Europe. Photo via The Picture Magazine/Public Domain

We’ve all ridden at least one horse. But a zebra? I’m willing to bet none of us has even considered the possibility of such a thing. Back in the 19th and early 20th centuries, however, Europeans who had made their way into Africa thought riding zebras was a pretty good idea, Mashable reports. Their reasoning, it was reported, was that zebras were resistant to certain diseases, such as those from tsetse flies.

I don’t know about you, but I’d import a horse before trying to ride a zebra. As Mashable reports, zebras aren’t as big as horses and aren’t designed to carry people. They are also constantly on the lookout for predators; they’re nervous creatures that will fight if need be, and no creature – human or animal – would want to be on the other side of a zebra’s kick.

Even though some have been tamed, riding them probably isn’t the best idea.



Lest you should think riding zebras is a relic of the past, check out this video we found of a present-day rider who has trained her zebra to jump under saddle. What do you think? Good idea or not?


  1. If you go to the link for Mashable from this article, there is a photo of 1 – Mrs. Martin Johnson. Hahaha, very funny..The caption suggests Mrs. Johnson is ‘riding’ the zebra. Sitting on it obviously, but riding it? Take a good look at the Zebra’s bridle, it is put on backwards! Obviously this arrogant woman thought she’d make quite a statement by riding a zebra. But actually she looks like: an arrogant woman…who is an idiot! Oh yeah, love her attire – the shorts go really well with the socks (snicker, snicker).

  2. If you go to the link for Mashable from this article, there is a photo of 1 – Mrs. Martin Johnson. Hahaha, very funny..The caption suggests Mrs. Johnson is ‘riding’ the zebra. Sitting on it obviously, but riding it? Take a good look at the Zebra’s bridle, it is put on backwards! Obviously this arrogant woman thought she’d make quite a statement by riding a zebra. But actually she looks like: an arrogant woman…who is an idiot! Oh yeah, love her attire – the shorts go really well with the socks (snicker, snicker).

  3. Zebras were used for riding and driving up to the 40s when the wsr broke out. Afterwards, they were used for furniture covering,throws, or wa) hangings. Hides werechic in the 60s. Could be bought for 25 dollars. I know, I was in Florida at the import store. I wanted to purchase some ivory and hides. My mother had a fit and we went home. She caused a scene. Now Ringling Bros has a few. So has the exotic market.


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