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Cattle Events

Learn more about cattle events, or western disciplines involving cattle, such as cutting, barrel racing, roping, team roping, cattle boxing, sorting, etc. Many of the events trace their roots back to ranch work with cattle, and they make up today's modern rodeo. Although rodeos can have a large variety of events, the following are the most popular with horses.

  • Cutting involves a horse's natural ability to "read" a cow in order to cut it out of a herd during competition.
  • Calf and steer roping involves the rider roping the calf or steer while mounted, and in tie-down roping, he quickly dismounts and ties three legs together in a timed event. Breakaway roping does not involve tying the calf's legs.
  • Team roping (aka, heading and heeling) involves two mounted ropers. One ropes the head of the cow and the other ropes the hind feet in the quickest time possible.
  • Cow horse boxing is an event that involves a reining pattern and working a single cow.
  • Cattle sorting competitors must sort a numbered cow out of the herd. However, how the sorting is done depends on if it is team sorting or ranch sorting.
  • Team penning requires sorting three cattle with the same number out of a herd and across a finish line.

Fort Worth, Texas — Teton Ridge, the premier western sports, entertainment and lifestyle brand, announced top-ranked professionals in the western equine sports of cutting, reining, and reined cow horse are set to ride in the highly anticipated third edition...
The western performance horse industry is growing like wildfire, with new followers not only zeroing in on their favorite rodeo, cow horse, reining or cutting rider, but also the horses helping those riders to some of the highest-earning purses...
Whether you’re new to cattle work or want to improve your cattle-driving skills, you’ll need to learn how to influence a cow’s movements. How you and your horse approach, track, and drive a cow influences where it will go...
A fast-stopping horse sliding into a cloud of dust is an icon for western riding. Horses in reining classes stop with sliders on their back hooves to accentuate downward transitions. In cow horse classes, the horse’s stop blocks the...
To compete in reining or working cow horse competitions, your horse will need to turn quickly in response to your cues. In reining, the move is a “turnaround,” or spin—the horse moves forward around a pivot foot and continues...
A versatile ranch horse can do anything his rider asks—including pulling gear or livestock with a rope connected to the saddle horn. Versatility ranch horse competitions mirror real-life ranch tasks that include a rope-drag obstacle in the ranch trail...
A staple piece of tack for many West Coast western riders, romal reins can be a bit of a mystery if you learned how to ride in the eastern parts of the United States. While this rein started as...
“He is a thousand miles from kids who have gone through the same thing,” expressed Janet Carver when discussing the extraordinary journey her son, Jeffrey Carver, has endured. If anyone had told her over ten years ago that Jeffrey...
Ranch riding tops the list as one of the most popular western show classes. The appeal? A class that riders can succeed in without expensive silver-adorned saddles or fancy clothes. Most any horse-and-rider team that prepares for the pattern...
In the fifth episode of The Horse Illustrated Episode of Horses in the Morning, sponsored by Title Sponsor Straight Arrow Products, hosts Glenn the Geek and Sarah Evers Conrad talk to breakaway roping superstar Jackie Hobbs-Crawford about her illustrious...
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