Horse Toys


    Does your horse play with toys? Mine definitely doesn’t. You could give him the latest and greatest stall toy, and he’d sniff it once, decide it wasn’t edible and go back to his nap. In fact, most horses I’ve known are just not that excited about toys. The peppermint-scented stall toys lovingly purchased by doting owners for their beloved horses always seem to be ignored until they end up becoming yet another plaything for the nearest Border Collie.

    However, there are exceptions. Take Sampson, for example. Sampson is a Percheron cross at Washington state horse rescue, Save a Forgotten Equine. His mom, Delilah, was rescued in January of 2010 and Sampson was born in April. Clearly, he is a happy, healthy little guy (he has since been adopted, but his mom is still waiting for a home. Visit to find out more about her.)

    I love the look of confusion after the ball is finally deflated. It never stood a chance. I just hope Sampson doesn’t give the same treatment to any barn cats or dogs who happen to wander into his paddock.

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    1. This is the most precious “horse at play” video I’ve seen in a long time. It was delightful to watch, and poor Samson couldn’t understand why his toy wouldn’t play anymore! Wonderful!

    2. awwww 🙁 poor little sampson. he even tried to play with it while it was de-flated. ( but i guess it just wasnt the same) cute video!

    3. My 2yo Q.H. filly plays like that w/her big ball, but I have it inflated so she can’t grab hold of it. I felt sorry for little Sampson when he popped it. Hope he gets another one!

    4. My horse loves toys!! Hes turned out most of the time where plays with my old excrise ball pushing it with his nose and then chasing it. He also has a traffice cone that both him and his pasture mate pick up and through around. Whilr stalled I fill an old milk carton with pebbles and tye it to the wall and he loves to bat it around while bored’


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